Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Atijeevan Foundation – Helping Acid Attack Survivors

www.medicosindia.com highlights the achievements of the Indian medical professionals. It also provides a platform for professionals across all medical specialties to share their views and experience. Thus, creating a robust community where there is free flow of ideas and views. www.medicosindia.com deals with issues and news that concern, and affect the Indian medical professionals.
They featured a story about birth of Atijeevan Foundation and work we are doing. We sincerely thank them for their kind appreciation as it give us strength and we look forward with even more determination. This is what they had to say..

"Pragya Singh and her team at Atijeevan Foundation are determined in continuing on their mission…a mission that would be more empowered with the helping hands of the medical community. “It is our firm belief that one day we will bring a smile on the faces of all victims and there will not be any further acid attacks.” Amen!"

Read the story at: atijeevan-foundation-helping-acid-attack-survivors

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