She underwent several reconstructive surgeries and was admitted to St. Johns Hospital for past two weeks. She got discharged from hospital on 6th Dec 2014. She is much better now but will require many more surgeries going forward. She is now looking at the next step and will be soon working with our social enterprise for supporting her livelihood.
Here are some pictures of her during last 6 months. Long way to go ....!
The picture above was taken just after the attack.
After two months of the attack. This is without any reconstructive surgeries.
She is trying to wear the pressure Garment we provided.
Just after her reconstructive surgery.
The latest picture after her discharge from St Johns.
We would like to thank Vikash Malik, Gunjan Srivastava, Ashish Anshu , Adwait Parida, Chris Karthik, Arun, Dushyant Tomar, Shivani Rajput, Namrta Purwar, Nimisha Pandey, Ashish Mishra,Vikram Hgnis, Shewta Patil and all the volunteers for the help they provided which made Akayamma's recovery possible.